Exhibitions / expositions
Born in 1974 , in Blois, France
he currently works with:
Marion Guggenheim art advisory, worldwide
The new yard Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
Emmanuelle G. art gallery / New York. USA
Galerie Diego Escobar, Marseille. France
Galerie Virginie Louvet, Paris. France
Galerie Palmer, Saint-Tropez, France
Damiani gallery , Bari, Italy
Selected group shows & Collections :
2024 - First Light, A premiere exhibition The New yard Gallery, Los Angeles USA
- Art Miami fair, Emmanuelle G. art gallery, Miami, USA
- Art on paper New York, Emmanuelle G. art gallery, New York, USA
- UKraft, Fine art Museum of Lviv, UKrainia
- Palm beach art fair, Emmanuelle G. art gallery, New York
2023 - Miami Context artfair, Emmanuelle G art gallery, Miami USA
- Art on paper New york, , Emmanuelle G. gallery, New York
- Collaboration Galerie Charron, One artist show, Art Karlsruhe 2023, Germany
- Palm Beach modern and contemporary art fair,
Emmanuelle G art gallery, Palm Beach USA
2021 - A la francaise, the french way, springboard art gallery,
Chicago, USA
- Inner Room With A View Curated by Marion Lamy,
Open art advisory, New York, USA
- Art Karlsruhe, Hall 2, Galerie Charron – Allemagne
2020 - In your eyes / online exhibition during the confinement , Cragallery, Turin, Italy
- Art Karlsruhe, Hall 2, Galerie Charron, Germany
- …issimi , CRAGallery, Torino, Italy
- P/CAS contemporary artshow, paris, France
- Summer Exhibition, Crag gallery, Turin, Italy
- Art karlsruhe, hall 2, galerie Charron, Germany
2018 - AFIH Wangfujing Peninsula Hotel, Beijing, China
- Pop up gallery – Crag gallery , Capri, Italy
- Art Karlsruhe, Hall 2, Galerie Charron,Germany
- Art Bodensee , Galerie Charron - Austria
- Join the dots / Unire le distanze, Salone degli Incanti
Foundation Luciano Benetton – Trieste – Italy
2017 - Christmas Collection, CRAG gallery, Turin, Italy
- Art Karlsruhe, Hall 2, Galerie Charron, Germany
- Art Elysées Paris, galerie Charron
- Art Bodensee, Austria, Galerie Charron
- Mediterranean Routes / Biennale Arcipelago Mediterraneo ,
zona arti contemporanee - Foundation Luciano Benetton
Palermo / Italy
2016 - Kunst 16 Zurich, Galerie Charron
- Art Elysées Paris, Galerie Charron
- Collection of Luciano Benetton Foundation, Milano, Italy curated By
Isabelle Valembras Dahirel
- Third Biennale of contemporary sacred art, European Heritage Days 2016 , Saint Germain l’Auxerrois church - Pantin
2015 - Kunst 15 Zurich, Galerie Charron, Switzerland
- Kunstmesse Frankfurt, Galerie Charron,
- California Dream, Espace Cardin - Text of Sarah Ihler-Meyer,
historian & art critic at Art Press
- Art Up Lille, Galerie Charron , France
2014 - Offline, les Docks, Cité de la mode et du design,
Galerie Charron & Artsper, Paris
- Selection of a painting from the series Villégiatures entitled
"Le jour au fond d'une serrure" for the online art website Artsper by Pierre Cornette de Saint Cyr, the most well-known Parisian Auctioneer
- Place aux Jeunes ! Galerie Guillaume Paris
2013 - New Blood ! Borrowings and citations in contemporary artworks : Curator Renaud Donnedieu de Vabres, former French Minister of Culture & Marie Duffour, Arstper.
- DDessin, Paris, Galerie Charron
- Fondation Rosenblum collection & friends, Paris
Selected solo exhibitions :
2025 Coming, The New yard gallery Los angeles, USA
Coming : Landschaften der Zwischenwelten, galerie im artforum, Offenburg, Germany with Jules Andrieu, sculptor
Coming solo show Galerie Damiani , Bari, Italy
coming may , le code a changé
2024 - les entre-mondes , Galerie Diego Escobar Marseille
- La poétique de l'espace , Galerie Virginie Louvet, Paris
2022 - Hanabi ( feux d'artifices) , Artcan gallery, Marseille France
2021 - Les Entretemps, Galerie Virginie Louvet, Paris France
- Entrevoir , Boa Lab gallery curated by Marion Guggenheim,
Lisbon Portugal
- Le jeu des possibles, Artcan gallery, Marseille France
2020 - La possibilità di un'isola - Crag Gallery, Turin, Italy
- Mondes éphémères : 3D Virtual solo show
Marion Guggenheim art advisory
2019 - Le canoë orange , galerie Charron, Paris France
- De l 'autre côté, L'ime art gallery, Paris
- Lascaux, Art Fontainebleau Gallery, Fontainebleau
2018 - Lascaux Paris, (paper works) - galerie Charron, Paris
- In Fine – Galerie Charron, Paris
- Lascaux 1 – Jiu Wan Li wuchang talent base,
Wuhan - China
- Lascaux 2 - Xiaoci – Zhiang zhang east road,
Hangzhou , China
2017 - Shao Huo , Galerie Charron Paris
2016 - Mimesis, Galerie Charron & Galerie Mondapart
Paris & Boulogne-Billancourt, France
2015 - The Solo Project Basel, Galerie Charron, Switzerland
- Art Karlsruhe Hall 1, Galerie Charron, Germany
- Private exhibition of the series "Villégiatures" at
the Residence of the Ambassador Permanent
Representative of the Republic of Slovenia to the
Council of Europe in Strasbourg, Galerie Charron
- Interview in Hu Haizi Broadcast for
Hangzhou TV (China)
2014 - Villegiatures, Galerie Charron, Paris
- Espaces libres, Galerie Charron, Paris
Ateliers des Beaux-arts de Paris Glacière
Prizes and collections
- Fondation Chargeurs
- Collection Fribourg
- Collection Hawthornthwaite , USA
- Collection Nancy Silk, USA
- Collection Didier Webre, France
- Collection Marion Guggenheim France
- Collection Lacape Ladret de la Charrière France
-- Collection Adrien de Villmorin France
- Collection Jad Ben Ammar France
- Collection of Luciano Benetton Foundation, Milano - Italy
- Collection fond d'art contemporain ville de Pantin, France
- Finalist Open art Miami award prize 2017 – Miami - USA
- Finalist Threadneedle award prize - London - England
2021 Traits D'CO, Nathalie Dassa article
Beaux arts magazine for Artcan Gallery
Whitewall magazine, New York USA
2020 Whitewall magazine, online, USA
2018 Dandy magazine July-August 2018
2017 Instant present - Contemporary artist from France - IMA,
Foundation Luciano Benetton
2017 Not Random Art Magazine
1340Art magazine New York